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Tamworth, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Saturday, 10 October 2009


I have three idea for my music video, each for different songs. These include:

-Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
-Into Dust by Mazzy Star
-Dominos by The Big Pink

Idea #1:

For Katy Perry's song 'Hot N Cold' I was thinking about having the music video lyrically based. For example when she sings "Your yes then your no" I could have an actor sticking their thumbs up to show "yes" and then down to show "no". The music video will be simple to film, but I will edit it well to keep it visually interesting. The video will be very fast paced and the shots shall be cut short to match the tempo of the song. The music video shall project a happy feel and is a feel good video.

Idea #2:

For Mazzy Star's song 'Into Dust' I was planning to have an abstract music video to support it. The music video shall encompass many world issues such as global warming and pollution, I will show this through the video by having some achieve footage and shots of traffic, litter and crowds. I will also have shots of someone lip syncing throughout, therefore giving it a personal feel.

Idea #3:

For The Big Pink's song 'Dominos' I was planning to have narrative music video, in which a boy has a list of girls he plans to seduce and then leave. An idea for some of the shots is to have a row of girls each falling like dominos, however I will shoot this so they don't actually have to fall. The editing will be blurred and physcedelic, as to represent the twisted nature of the boy.